Author Archives: Lyndon R. Helton

Home - Articles by: Lyndon R. Helton
Some safety hazards for drivers may be unique to summertime

Some safety hazards for drivers may be unique to summertime

While the idea of being involved in a motor vehicle accident can be a harrowing concept, a collision can occur at any moment and under a multitude of…

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Why did your disability claim come back denied?

Why did your disability claim come back denied?

If you are seeking financial support from the Social Security Administration because you are unable to work, you may find the process of securing these benefits to be…

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Some accident victims could suffer severe nerve damage

Some accident victims could suffer severe nerve damage

There are numerous types of injuries you might suffer during a motor vehicle accident, and the outcome of the incident could impact various aspects of your life. Injuries…

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Is it more dangerous to drink and drive, or text and drive?

Is it more dangerous to drink and drive, or text and drive?

When driving, the individual operating the vehicle should solely and completely focus on the task at hand, which is arriving at the destination safely. There are many factors…

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Understanding accident-related whiplash injuries

Understanding accident-related whiplash injuries

No matter how safely you might drive or how closely you follow the rules of the road, there will always be negligent drivers who put you at risk.…

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Work in these industries? Watch for out for work injuries

Work in these industries? Watch for out for work injuries

What does a bad day at work look like for you? Maybe your first thought was clocking in late or even being scolded by your boss. The reality…

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Important steps to take after a disability claim denial

Important steps to take after a disability claim denial

An injury or illness can leave you struggling to retain gainful employment. If you are in this situation, you may qualify for disability benefits through the Social Security…

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Do I qualify for workers’ compensation?

Do I qualify for workers’ compensation?

There are few things in life more terrifying than suffering a serious work injury. Not only do you need to deal with the pain and suffering associated with…

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Construction injuries are a scary reality for many workers

Construction injuries are a scary reality for many workers

Working in the construction industry can be very rewarding, especially if you are someone who prides him- or herself on a hard day’s work. Unfortunately, construction work is…

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Drivers may be more distracted than you think

Drivers may be more distracted than you think

People should only be worried about one thing when they are behind the wheel of a motor vehicle — driving. Unfortunately, this is not the reality that we…

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Some driver distractions that are overlooked by many

Some driver distractions that are overlooked by many

Each year, thousands of lives in North Carolina and across the country are cut short due to distracted driving. The number of car accidents caused by texting or…

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The most common workplace injuries

The most common workplace injuries

If you hear about someone suffering injuries while working construction or manufacturing, you may not be surprised. Certain jobs carry much higher risks for injuries. However, no job…

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Head-on crash kills 1, injures several in North Carolina

Head-on crash kills 1, injures several in North Carolina

What happens when the at-fault driver does not survive a car accident? This could complicate the efforts of crash victims seeking damage recovery. Such an accident happened in North Carolina…

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Safety training essential for North Carolina forklift operators

Safety training essential for North Carolina forklift operators

Forklifts are crucial in various industries in North Carolina. From construction sites to warehousing and manufacturing, forklift operators and pedestrian workers share work areas. Regardless of the industry,…

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Fatal car accident blamed on drunk driving

Fatal car accident blamed on drunk driving

A recent fatal crash here in North Carolina has likely devastated at least one family. What’s worse is that police say they have reason to believe this could…

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Safety tips for driving through a construction zone

Safety tips for driving through a construction zone

As the weather begins to soften and winter gives way to spring, North Carolina drivers will certainly notice more work zones on the city streets, county roads and…

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Man crushed in machinery during workplace accident

Man crushed in machinery during workplace accident

One North Carolina family is forever changed after an industrial worker lost his life due to being trapped in machinery. A workplace accident like this one can both…

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Fatal car accident in no-passing zone under investigation

Fatal car accident in no-passing zone under investigation

People often get comfortable driving in places that are familiar to them. The danger there is that their comfort can lead to them making errors in judgment, sometimes…

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ALS patients have hope for faster disability pay

ALS patients have hope for faster disability pay

The news that you have a progressive disease for which there is no cure can be devastating. You may have a limited amount of time to accomplish your…

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Woman convicted of fraud over Social Security disability

Woman convicted of fraud over Social Security disability

Many people in North Carolina are unable to work due to disability. They may eligible to receive Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, benefits to help them care…

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Fatal car accident spares boy but not his mom

Fatal car accident spares boy but not his mom

Most people know how devastating a fatal car crash can be, but they don’t always stop to consider the extent of the tragedy. Not only is the victim’s…

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Driver may be blamed in passenger death due to car accident

Driver may be blamed in passenger death due to car accident

When a car crash takes a life, it is a tragedy in any circumstance. Many North Carolina families know this pain all too well after losing loved ones…

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Are you sharing the road with a distracted driver?

Are you sharing the road with a distracted driver?

Construction, weather, changing traffic patterns and the normal hustle and bustle of traffic are enough to keep you busy while you drive. You may also be looking for…

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What impact could a manager’s lie have on workers’ compensation?

What impact could a manager’s lie have on workers’ compensation?

Most North Carolina companies and the people who work for them ensure that they do everything within their control to keep employees safe on the job. Unfortunately, there…

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Motorcyclist dies after detached trailer causes car accident

Motorcyclist dies after detached trailer causes car accident

People who follow the rules of the road generally assume that their good driving behavior will prevent any traffic collisions. They are generally correct in that assumption, but…

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Recipients may soon see an increase in Social Security disability

Recipients may soon see an increase in Social Security disability

Many people in this country cannot work due to disability. They may have to rely on Social Security disability or other Social Security retirement benefits in order to…

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Workers’ compensation: Fatal accident at Tyson food plant

Workers’ compensation: Fatal accident at Tyson food plant

The death of an employee who was on the job is not just a tragedy for those who cared about the person, but it can have serious consequences…

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Fatal car accident under investigation, charges uncertain

Fatal car accident under investigation, charges uncertain

When a car crash results in more questions than answers, it can be doubly devastating to a grieving family. A recent collision here in North Carolina is still being…

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Workers’ compensation: Employee dies in conveyor line accident

Workers’ compensation: Employee dies in conveyor line accident

Most people don’t think that doing their job could result in their death. However, that is the reality for many people right here in North Carolina. The risk…

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Who is liable when both drivers die in a car accident?

Who is liable when both drivers die in a car accident?

Many people understand that if they or a loved one are harmed in a motor vehicle crash, they may be able to file a civil claim against one…

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