Marion Dog Bite Lawyer

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Marion Dog Bite Attorney

Dog bites can result in minor to severe injuries. Beyond bodily harm, there can be psychological trauma that endures long after the wounds heal. You do not have to suffer life-threatening injuries without taking legal action against the dog’s owner. With the help of a Marion dog bite lawyer, you can hold the at-fault party accountable for allowing their pet to harm you.

Best Marion Dog Bite Lawyer

When Are Dog Owners Liable for Dog Bites?

There are multiple laws that apply to dog owners in North Carolina. Under North Carolina’s general statutes, dogs that inflict severe injury are classified as dangerous. A potentially dangerous dog is one that has previously inflicted harm on a person or another pet. Any dog that approaches a person in a vicious manner is considered dangerous.

Furthermore, if a dog is deemed dangerous, it should never be left unattended on the owner’s property unless it’s safely confined indoors, in a securely locked pen, or in another suitable structure specifically designed to restrain the dog. Owners must not allow dangerous dogs to leave their property unless the dog is properly leashed, muzzled, or securely restrained to ensure the safety of others.

Any dog owner who violates this law could face a Class C misdemeanor. Besides criminal penalties, dog owners are also subject to civil action under the state’s personal injury laws.

Potential Damages Caused by a Dog Bite

Dogs are one of the most common types of pets, which means dog bites are common personal injuries. They can result in severe physical and emotional harm. The physical damage from a dog bite can include deep tissue injuries, nerve damage, scarring, and, in some cases, even permanent disfigurement or disability. A serious dog bite almost certainly requires immediate medical attention.

Additionally, dog bites can lead to emotional trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or a fear of dogs, which can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. The psychological damage caused by a dog bite should not be underestimated.

Legal action may be necessary to seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages incurred as a result of the bite. Furthermore, holding the dog owner accountable through legal means can help prevent future incidents and promote responsible pet ownership within the community.

How to Take Legal Action Against the Dog Owner

By working with a dog bite attorney in Marion, NC, you can rely on their legal services as you navigate insurance settlements and possibly legal action. Dog bite injuries cause significant financial burdens, including medical expenses and insurance costs. A dog bite lawyer can effectively estimate damages, establish liability, and advocate for your rights.

In states like North or South Carolina, legal doctrines such as statutory liability, scienter, or negligence may support your claim against the dog owner. North Carolina’s one-bite rule for dogs means that dogs with no prior history of attacks may be difficult to use as the basis of a lawsuit.

If the owner knew the dog was dangerous, had a history of aggression, or allowed it to roam freely, resulting in a bite, strict liability applies. A dog bite attorney can assess the legal standards relevant to your case.

The defendant may try various arguments to shift liability onto you. They may say that you were provoking the dog or that you were trespassing when the dog attacked you. Having an experienced lawyer can prevent the other side from trying to change the narrative.

Most dog bite cases in North Carolina settle outside of court. One of the jobs of a dog bite lawyer is to make sure that any settlement fully meets your financial needs and covers the expenses and injuries that you incur.


Q: How Much Money Can I Get From a Dog Bite?

A: In a dog bite claim, the amount of money you receive in a potential settlement or jury award will be based on several factors. One of the main considerations would be the extent of your injuries. The cost of your medical treatments, which may be ongoing, is another consideration.

There may also be compensation awarded for pain and suffering. The degree of negligence on the part of the dog owner (such as a history of dog bites they allowed) could also impact the compensation you receive.

Q: How Could a Defendant Fight a Dog Bite Lawsuit?

A: The defendant may try to fight your dog bite lawsuit by saying that you were trespassing on their property. They may also try to say that the plaintiff provoked the dog. Any of these arguments are intended to deflect blame from the at-fault party. Your personal injury lawyer can rebut these arguments by using strong evidence and piecing together the events that led to the dog bite incident.

Q: Why Do People Sue for Dog Bites?

A: People sue for dog bites for multiple reasons, but the main reason is to receive monetary compensation. Following a dog bite, many victims sustain serious injuries. The medical bills associated with a dog bite can be extensive.

Plaintiffs also sue dog owners to hold them accountable for their negligence. The hope is that legal action can reduce the chances of another tragic and avoidable dog attack.

Q: How Much Can You Sue for a Dog Bite in NC?

A: You can sue for the extent of your damages in an NC dog bite claim. While medical malpractice lawsuits are capped at $500,000 in non-economic damages, other personal injury claims are not capped. A typical settlement will be proportional to the damage and losses incurred by the victim of a dog bite. You can ask for a high settlement, but what is offered and what you eventually settle on will be based on the financial losses you suffered.

Schedule Your Marion Dog Bite Consultation Today

Dog bites are serious attacks that can lead to severe physical and psychological harm. If you were attacked by a dog, you can speak with a dog bite attorney to see if you have grounds for a claim. Throughout your personal injury case, Law Office Of Lyndon R. Helton, PLLC, can be there to represent your interests and fight for your rights. Contact our office today to start the process.

Our Location

Law Office Of Lyndon R. Helton, PLLC
827 Highland Avenue Northeast Hickory, NC 28601


Toll Free:888-321-0494

Mailing Address:PO Box 909 Hickory, NC 28603